Friday, June 27, 2008

In Memory of My Mother

My sister-in-law Missy called me yesterday almost in tears to tell me she found a field of flowers in memory of my mom. I started bawling thinking of what an awesome memorial for my best friend, my mother. It just so happens that in downtown Kingfisher Virginias Zinnias planted a field of flowers in honor of my mothers life. The field takes up almost a half of a city block! Missy just happened to pass by it and thought it looked awesome and got out of her vehicle to read the sign. Thank goodness she did or else I may have not ever known about this wonderful tribute to an amazing woman that we loved and miss sooooo much!!! It is so sad to think that my mom thought I was her only friend, but in fact everyone she came in contact with loved her so much. My heart is so overwhelmed by this tribute to my mother.

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Summer Fun!!!

We decided, even though it takes an army, that we needed to get Carson outside more. Also we don't want Cara thinking that all there is to life is the 4 walls in Carsons room! So we bought them a little pool and swingset that is perfect for them! They were not to sure about the water being cold, since they are only used to warm baths. But they had fun for the short time that it lasted! We've grilled out and had some friends and family over for a few evenings in the pool. It makes me feel like we have a little normalcy in our lives!! And all the work was worth the look on Carson's face!!!