Monday, August 11, 2008

Sittin' pretty!

I took this picture yesterday and couldn't believe how big Cara's gotten! She is 6 months and is sitting up by herself, trying to crawl, and eating some solid foods now. Wow, where does the time go!!! My beautifull girl is getting so big and onery too! She has such a personality! She can be so mean, throw the biggest tantrums, and wants to play rough all the time. But yet she loves to cuddle and dress up and act all girly too! I have a feeling I am going to have my hands full with this one!!!

Friday, August 8, 2008


I still after 5 months am in complete shock over moms death. I keep waiting for it to hit me and it hasn't just yet. Sometimes I will sit in the living room and watch out the front door expecting her to walk in for lunch. Or the kids will do something new or funny and I catch myself thinking I can't wait to tell mom what they did. I visit her grave on occation and I don't know if it was harder seeing the mound of fresh dirt or now that it is completely level and covered in grass. The monument co. called and said her headstone was done, so Dave, Erick and I went to see it last night. Its beautifull, exactly what I wanted for her. But seeing her name and picture on it seems unreal. They should be setting it next week, then I think reallity will set in!!!

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

My big boy!

So, Carson finally got his walker. It's huge, but if he learns to walk then who cares? Anyways, he wants to walk soo bad, he just is having a hard time of it. He got braces for his legs too,(that he hates.) We didn't want to overwhelm him with both on the same day so we just did the walker this week. His physical therapist is standing behind him, shes awesome!! We just have to bribe him with his favorite toys to get him to try to step on his own. The toy in this picture is one of his faves. We kept moving it farther away so he stopped and started using his hands to sign "more" smart kid huh?